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Onlne yoga classes run every Tuesday evening (6pm gmt/7pm cet) and Friday morning (9.30am gmt/10.30 ceet) Monthly memberships are NOT available until October. However you can take advantage of the September offer and book 4 classes for €10 as a special launch rate. Purchase on monthly packages below.
Purchase September Bundle Here!
Yoga Pilates Fusion is a yoga class with the core connection and conditioning of mat pilates, you get the best of both! We connect to the breath, we move, we flow, whilst also building essential core and pelvic floor strength to prevent lower back pain. This integrated style of yoga will increase stability, strength and flexibility and leave you feeling fabulous. Classes run Tuesday evening and Friday Morning book drop in or save 40% by booking a monthly pacakge!
- Available OnlineRead More
Group Coaching, Education, Yoga/Pilates & Lifestyle /Christmas Discount 30% if book by 1st January!
Starts Jan 20, 2025
99 euros